Volume 3 Issue 1
In This Issue
The King is Dead…Long Live the King: A Theory Concerning the Current Wave of Authoritarianism
Not so long ago it looked as if the march of Western Liberal Democracy was unstoppable; like it was only a matter of time before every despot on the planet would be replaced by a well-functioning parliament protected by a well written constitution.
Lead Articles
The King is Dead…Long Live the King: A Theory Concerning the Current Wave of Authoritarianism
Not so long ago it looked as if the march of Western Liberal Democracy was unstoppable; like it was only a matter of time before every despot on the planet would be replaced...
COVID-19 and the Global Problem of Human Security
Human security is considered in the article as a global problem. Its importance was vividly highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic that broke out last year.
Epicurus, Death and the Need for Power
Culture seeks to explain our existence in the universe and to provide information about how any given society should be structured in that universe. This structure consists of a set of roles and moral rules that should be followed in that society.
The World has been experiencing the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic which has been recognized for its severe intensity. This pandemic has been affecting human...
DG Agora is a P2P system for providing confidence and organization of power. It may serve not only for the establishment of new social organizations...
Julene Siddique and Rae Johnson
Accessing the Untapped Resource of Humankind through Critical Cultural Action & Embodied Arts Praxis
To powerfully access humankind around the world to act systemically, we must engage an authentic critical praxis, reflecting on direct experience in connection with strategic action.
The Heartbeat of our Global Responses
The WAAS Interim report 2020 on Global leadership is an impressive document. Those who contributed have done a heroic job in systematically digesting a vast input from various sources.
Biology and Society: A Holistic View
Does biology influence society? Yes, but in a very complex and non-deterministic manner. As both biology and society are emergent systems, they must be constantly researched to understand how they are changing.
Can Lack of Leadership Become Transformative?
Observers today assume that transformations in society are necessarily linked to leadership. However, anthropologists have dealt with human groups...
The Art and Science of Innovative Collaboration The Future of Democracy and Humanity
The moonshot in this article is to find allies for the radical transformation needed to assure senior leaders bring character and inquiry to governance. This is for the sake of Democracy and Humanity.