Olof G Tandberg

Tandberg, Olof G

Tandberg, Olof G

Former Foreign Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Job Title: 

Former Foreign Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences


Abdus Salam (1926 -1996) More Than a Nobel Laureate
Get Full Text in PDF Abstract Mohammad Husain Abdus Salam was born in 1926 at Jhang, a farming village in Punjab, to parents of the Ahmadiyya-Moslem faith. At the age of 14, Abdus scored the highest marks ever given by the Matriculation Examiner in Punjab. In 1946, he received a scholarship for studies at Cambridge University, UK. As his English was limited, Salam got hold of an Oxford Dictionary and studied “proper English” A-Z. He was an extremely speedy reader with a remarkable memory.* In...