Issue 5 Part 1

In This Issue

Volume 1
Issue 5

Jakob von Uexkull

Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Paradigm Change

The term ‘paradigm shift’ suggests a dramatic discontinuity, one which is almost impossible to prepare for. Paradigm shifts happen quickly and often unexpectedly. We presently find ourselves on the precipice of another threatening environmental catastrophe. Developing a comprehensive approach to our challenges will require us to spend less time discussing why we need change ...

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Lead Articles

Jakob von Uexkull

Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Paradigm Change

The term ‘paradigm shift’ suggests a dramatic discontinuity, one which is almost impossible to prepare for. Paradigm shifts happen quickly and often unexpectedly. We presently find ourselves on the precipice of another threatening ...

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Roberto Vacca

The Psychology of Warmaking

Why should we analyze the psychology of warmaking? Because understanding its mechanisms should suggest measures to avoid suffering and destruction of resources entailed by war. To prevent even minor local conflicts is impossible – just as preventing any crime is. The vital issue ...

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Carlos Alvarez Pereira

The Greatest Adventure on Earth

A paradigm shift of unprecedented scale in human civilizations is considered both as necessary and possible, towards a new form of “sustainable happiness”, as a way out of the entanglement of multiple dilemmas we face today ...

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Joseph Agassi

To Care for the Future of the Human Race

Humanity can now destroy itself through the Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, Pollution, the increasing Poverty of the poor nations, and the Population explosion (the four Ps). The urgent task is to minimize the risk of destruction of the human race ...

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Winston Nagan & Madison Hayes

Simulated Judgment on Campaign Finance in the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azania

This simulated judgment is written from the perspective of jurisconsults reviewing the jurisprudence of comparative constitutional law concerning the right of the legislature to enact ...

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